Monday, November 14, 2011

Sharepoint Gotchas


- Code to retrieve list items, if run under elevated block(SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPreviliges) it always returns list items that are only checked in but not checked out.

- To know the current style for a summary link webpart use attribute @Style
- How to check if the page is in edit mode in XSLT in summary link webpart?
    Declare the below namespace and the parameter.
   <xsl:param name="slw_iseditmode" />
   use <xsl:if test="$slw_iseditmode='True'">  to check if the page is in edit mode.

- Cancel approval do not update the status of the item from pending to draft when the workflow is a custom designed using Sharepoint Designer(SPD). In other cases(OOTB page approval or Visual Studio workflow) it works.
